Click here for the link to Knowles Nursery School Financial Benchmarking
There are no members of staff employed at the Nursery School who have an annual salary above
£100, 000
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional Government funding for children who meet a certain criteria:
EYPP funding for nursery age children is a set amount of money per child, per term. This money, allocated to the school, is targeted to support those individual children in order to diminish any difference between their attainment and that of non EYPP child. The money has been used to support children’s development, learning, well-being and care, make a contribution to the cost of a range of interventions and support initiatives, enhance the provision and resources that they have access to every day and buy in fun activities to support the Early Years Curriculum.
Decisions on how to spend the money are made by the Head teacher and key workers at termly meetings, based on their knowledge of their EYPP children’s needs and interests. Regular assessments are conducted to track children’s progress and wellbeing. The impact of the EYPP spend against our EYPP strategy is monitored by the schools governing body.
All families are required to complete a Parental Contract for the Early Years free entitlement, we ask all families to fill in the relevant section of the funding declaration form, which will allow us to claim the funding for as many children as possible. Eligibility is checked simply and in confidence, through a county run online portal, using a parent/carer’s National Insurance number.