Safeguarding Statement
Safeguarding is everybody’s business. Knowles Nursery School is committed to ensuring that all our children and young people are safe and feel safe; that children, parents/carers and staff are able to talk about any safeguarding concerns and feel assured that they will be listened to; and that all staff and volunteers are aware of and implement safeguarding procedures and guidance, including what to do if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm.
In any case where an adult is concerned that a child is, or maybe, at risk of significant harm they must make a referral directly to Milton Keynes Council Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) see contact details below
If a child or other person is at immediate risk of harm, the first response should always be to call the police on 999.
Safeguarding and the welfare of children is the responsibility of all school staff.
We will ensure there are appropriate systems in place when making decisions, taking action and deciding what services to provide to protect individual children. In line with the Education Act 2002, we will ensure that arrangements are in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people by:
Key Contacts In School:
Additional Information:
We support children with learning how to get along with each other and how to express their needs, wishes and feelings. Children are taught that it is ok to say no to others about things they do not like and that they can speak to a trusted adult about such things. Natalie is trained in Protective Behaviours and we are beginning to weave the two main principles of Protective Behaviours into our everyday practice.
Children are also taught how to keep themselves safe through the PANT rule from the NSPCC